Will I recieve the DISC questioner (aka assessment / test) online?

Yes, after purchasing you will receive a link towards the personal questionnaire via email. In max 24h.

What is the estimated time to complete the DISC questioner?

This will take about 20-30 min max. Your first thought is most often the most applicable one

I'm living outside the Netherlands. Can I purchase the programs.

Yes, you can. Currency is now in Euro's. But you can pay with creditcard and Paypal.

I've another question who can I contact?

You can contact info@discsuccessorshub.com

Can I receive the Key Masterclass in hardcopy?

The Key Masterclass is a digital document / e-book. However the resolution is high enough to print it if you prefer to read it on paper.

Is this for me?

This is for you, if you are...

1. Open for reflection to regerate personal growth

2. Aim to understand people in a way you haven’t experienced before

3. Want to positively influence team members / specific persons you interact with

4. Like to achieve above via a structured model: DISC

It doesn't matter if you are an entrepreneur or working for a company.

I all ready have a DISC rapportage can I purchase the Key Masterclass on it's own?

Please contact: info@discsuccessorshub.com We will be able to do this for you.